Report Groups

Important: The Report Groups function is available in version 16.5 Update 1 and later.

Report Groups allow you to pivot the Result Set reporting hierarchy differently than the calculation hierarchy that was used to create the Result Set.

Report Groups are created and modified using the Manage Report Groups window, which is opened with the button of the same name, in the Report tab on the ribbon.

The groups are shared and editable by all tenant users. By default, no Report Groups are defined.

Note: In the current version, only 'Text' type variables can be used to set up Report Groups.

Using Report Groups

When a Result Set run is opened, the Report Selection panel will, by default, have the Report Group selector set to <By Calculation Hierarchy>, so that the original calculation hierarchy will be used to organize the report documents. For example:

When Report Groups have been created, the Report Group dropdown selector can be used to select one group. The Report on Documents hierarchy view will then change to use a hierarchy where documents will be grouped according to the variable values in the corresponding projects, based on the ordered variables specified by the Report Group. For example:

If you see a folder label "[None]" this occurs when there are projects that do not have a value for a specified variable. (Also, values will be automatically-modified if they contain invalid characters for folder names.)

As with the default calculation hierarchy, you can right-click folders to open a context menu to Select and Deselect descendant projects/folders, or to Expand or Collapse the view of the sub-folders.

Manage Report Groups

Report Groups are created and modified using the Manage Report Groups window, which is opened with the Manage Report Groups button in the Report tab on the ribbon.

A Report Group uses ordered variables (of type Text only, for the current implementation) to set up a reporting hierarchy. The left side of the window shows a list of Text variables. You can filter this list by specifying the variables for a particular Regime, and also you can use the Search field to input a string for sub-string matching against variable names.

To create a new Report Group, click the Create new report group button at the top-right corner of the window, and type in a new name in the dialog.

To add a variable to the group, drag the variable name from the variable window on the left, into the Group by field on the right.

The 'group by' variables are ordered. Use the Up or Down arrow buttons at the right-hand side to change the ordering, and the Delete button to remove a variable.

To edit an existing group, use the dropdown selector at the top-right to select it.

After a group has been modified, the Apply button will be activated. When this button is clicked the Report on Documents hierarchy will be updated if this is the currently-selected report group.

Changes to groups will be saved when the window is closed. If you click the OK button, group changes will be saved, and also the Report on Documents hierarchy will be updated for the group changes.

If you don't want to save changes, click the Close button and then click No in the confirmation dialog.

The Rename, Copy, and Delete buttons at the top-right can be used to perform these actions on the currently-selected group.